Be inspired - popular culture and careers

The original game-changers: Extraordinary careers inspired by genius minds - Genius: Einstein © National GeographicThe original game-changers: Extraordinary careers inspired by genius minds - Genius: Einstein © National Geographic

The Genius Series showcases the lives of some the world’s leading and original game changers. From Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso and (soon to be released) Mary Shelley. The idea of the genius series is derived and measured on a weighting based on intelligence and authenticity.  It is nothing short of inspiring the next generation of geniuses.

Einstein as a theoretical physicist created, developed and discovered. Picasso put forward creations that generated intrigue and interest. Novelist Mary Shelley on the other hand, took creative writing to the next level in monstrous proportions.

In a very loud of world of technology however, such game changers today are difficult to identify. Going back in time to the beginning might be a means and the gateway to sparking awesome careers.

So let’s have a look at their careers:

A theoretical physicist: Differing to experimental physics, this field uses a mix of mathematical and physical systems, abstracts and objects to explain and predict various natural phenomena. Wikipedia explains more on the subject, also check out The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and their Theoretical Physics Division.

This is a tough education path first up. Getting through a science-based undergraduate or bachelor’s degree, then into a masters and PhD program is the route to this field. The common path is research-based careers which focus on knowledge contribution.

Stephen Hawking boosted the popularity of this field, and notably encouraged a new generation of scientists with his work.

Check out the following sites:

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) has setup AIP Publishing which runs the following sites:
Physics Today: and

Also read the following breakdown of career as a theoretical physicist by AIP.

Creative careers - artists, designers and creative writers: creative individuals have been developing the world and, in that way, evolving the way we see the world around us. Picasso did something remarkable by creating masterpieces that have stood the test of time. His work enables one to be inspired and educated in this creative field. By researching and studying the master's work together with his lifestyle you get the best inspiration for a career into this field. Find out more on:

The original game-changers: Extraordinary careers inspired by genius minds - Genius: Picasso © National GeographicThe original game-changers: Extraordinary careers inspired by genius minds - Genius: Picasso © National Geographic

Also investigate the higher education institutions that appeal to you and find out more about their creative, arts, design faculties that would make a suitable fit. A quintessential example: The Royal College of Art in the UK.

When it comes to creative writing: studying and styling oneself around a leading author is an interesting approach. In this case the works of Mary Shelley would be the focus point even as scary as the scripts may be.

Check out: the well ranked example of the USA's Northwestern University which has a leading creative writing course framework which is setup in their English department.

Whatever you choose for your theoretical studies or future career perhaps taking a step away from the technological noise to look at the past is not such a bad idea.