Ten Ultimate Vacation Destinations for Students

Budget student vacations, it’s all about cash and where there is a good party! These two factors have created a trend in student vacation destinations. So here we go…in no particular order because these destinations are subject to where an individuals are located!
Mozambique: hits the list hard, it’s really cheap and the atmosphere is truly cosmopolitan. The beaches are golden, untouched and remain a draw card to many a youthful student.
The Far East: Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines cast a huge net bringing students from all around the world into their tourist attractions.
The Czech Republic: One word-Prague. Affordable and beautiful.

Argentina: Experience South America in true style.
Spring Break American style! Meaning let’s go to Cancun, Mexico.
The Ocean (who said student vacation destinations need to be land based)…student orientated Cruise ship holidays: they are often short trips but they do rock the boat!
Italy: The architecture of Florence and an all you can eat happy hour in Milan makes sound sense. Italian Tourism.
Egypt: If you survive the taxi rides, then you have a very long river and a whole bunch of Pyramids to see.
India: it’s an odyssey. Check out Incredible India , a really cool website.  
Summer in South Africa: From the East Coast to the West coast to the Highveld of Johannesburg there is always something happening that draws a crowd during a South African summer. Find out more at South Africa Tourism.
Cool websites to check out:
STA Travel
Lonely Planet
Student Universe