Q: I am looking to change my career path and take a break, one of my options is to teach English in Europe, I am not too fond of the cold and keener on Southern Europe. I am a first language English speaker and speak a little bit of French, please can you help find me more information on this option.
A: Hi there, cool career change and interesting that you are choosing Europe and Southern European in particular. Most European summers are warm enough providing nice long days, so rather keep your options open and look at all of Europe, for the winter months you can head down to Southern Europe because it is much warmer than in the north at that time of year.

The big part of teaching English as a foreign language is the qualification requirements that various accredited schools need. So firstly make sure the school that you apply to is fully accredited and secondly that you meet their necessary requirements. The most common or basic qualification is the Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) certificate, however some schools will accept various graduate degrees/diploma’s as acceptable qualifications and of course being able to speak, write and converse in English fluently is the fundamental cornerstone.
In terms of finding a school, you can either do a Google search for "English Language schools" within the country that you are wishing to locate to or for the whole of Europe. Either way there are a bunch of schools that you will find on the search.
The following websites rock and are jam packed with information on TEFL options:
Teach Away Inc: a very cool website which offers an online TEFL qualification along with various job opportunities worldwide.
i-to-i: an Aussie setup which is focussed on the teaching English overseas industry.
tefl.com: a career portal for teaching English as a foreign language industry.
In terms of travel options that can help with choosing a destination in Europe check out:
Lonely Planet and the totally cool Verge Magazine website!
Good luck, travel safe and educate the planet!