Q&A with Alie Brand of the Stellenbosch Rugby Academy (SRA) about the benefits of a Rugby Gap Year!
Rugby Gap Year with Stellenbosch Rugby Academy - Image source: Stellenbosch Rugby Academy
How and why did Stellenbosch Rugby Academy establish its Gap Year program?
It was initially started for school leavers who want to focus on their rugby/sport for a year, or are uncertain and seek guidance about their choice of career or field of study, or want to study the following year. SRA follows SARU's (South African Rugby Union) High Performance requirements and guidelines for national rugby academies - including quality players / programs, as well as a life after rugby. We go even further, and have a holistic approach which means we take players on potential (not just talent) and help to develop students. The focus is not only on rugby, but rather on using rugby as a vehicle to help develop balanced, well-rounded young individuals who reach their full potential in life.
How does individuals balance their focus on a Gap Year - if the program is entirely sport intensive?
We believe in well rounded players with outstanding character and competence. Therefore SRA supports each student in a professional manner to develop in all the following three areas:
Body: Quality rugby players with the necessary physical, technical / tactical skills to achieve their full potential as players, with a healthy lifestyle .
Mind: Successful and innovative rugby coaches, referees, performance annalists, sport and business managers who are ready for the challenges of life .
Soul: Balanced young individuals with solid values, who can confidently make independent decisions in the adult world.
SRA is synonymous with an education based rugby program - in terms of traditional Gap year themes travel and cultural experiences are generally the main goal - how does SRA cater for this in a Gap Year?
Stellenbosch is one of the most famous student towns in South Africa and is known for its traditions, stable and happy student community, and active and well organised student life. By being part of the Stellenbosch Rugby Academy (SRA) you have the opportunity to experience the thrill of the exhilarating Stellenbosch student life. We want to make sure the players are happy - hence we have a extra student activities and programs to help engage students better.
Rugby Gap Year with Stellenbosch Rugby Academy - Image source: Stellenbosch Rugby Academy
Is the SRA Gap Year program open to local and overseas individuals?
Both of course. We attract a lot of overseas students - South Africa is a leading Rugby nation and the scope here to improve ones game is valuable. Hence the attraction for overseas players.
Finally can you apply concepts and attributes developed at SRA to other sporting codes?
Yes. Students can stay with us, and train for other sporting codes in Stellenbosch. With the assistance from our colleagues at the Stellenbosch University (Maties) we are able to cater for this via their sporting codes which includes - Cricket, Hockey, Rowing, etc. Find out more about more about sport at Stellenbosch University.
Find out more about a Rugby Gap Year at StellenboschRugbyAcademy.co.za.