Janine Daniel: Creating an online platform for First time parents

Where are you currently located on the planet: Darrenwood, Cresta, Jhb, South Africa, Earth (FirstStep.me ponders could there be a Darrenwood on Saturn!)
What is your business called and what does it do? My business is called Tum2Mom www.tum2mom.co.za. It is an online resource for parents. It provides accurate, up-to-date information for parents and grandparents. The website has four primary aims, to inform, to explain tricky medical jargon, to provide access to experts and allow interaction with other moms.

How long have you been operating for? The official launch date for the website is 5 April 2011. So technically, it is only 1 day old.
Why did you decide to start your own business? When I became a mom in 2008 I was frustrated whilst Googling parenting information. I did not find any local content and so I decided to design my dream parenting website. (FirstStep.me notes: Good stuff!)
Name the toughest challenge of starting your own business? In one word, CAPITAL!
Do you see your business going the distance? Yes, most definitely.
What ambitions both short term and long term do you envision for your business?
I want it to be the best online resource for parents now and in the future.
What has been the most insane moment of running your own business? Spending each and every waking moment thinking about my website, I even dream about it...
Do you believe that business is kick-started on a cup of coffee in the morning? No, a strong cup of tea works for me.
In terms of business which country do you feel is setting trends that people should take note of? I think the World Wide Web is a continent and Social Media sites are the countries. It is taking over the way consumers consume. It is very exciting! (FirstStep.me likes this thinking!)
Do you have any business mentors and what are they like? My mentor is younger than me, he has taken the Internet by storm and he is so passionate about what he does and his enthusiasm and belief in me and my ideas has spurred me on.
Any business inspirations that make you want to keep your business going? I am inspired each time I see a mom with a baby, this website is for them.
Finally if you weren’t in business what would you be doing and two if you could name your own planet what would it be called? I would be publicizing books and authors and arranging book launches.
My own planet would be called Lojaychlo – a combination of the names of people I love most in the world.
You can find out more about Tum2Mom on www.tum2mom.co.za