Mostar - image credit BilbyandBear
As Ranked by BilbyandBear
Destination: Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe
Interesting website for the city:
Is it easy to navigate around? Yes, you can walk most of it without the need for wheels. The city map guides are also easy to follow as well. 2
Hostels and Hotels (few, many, tons): Plenty, all seem well priced as you would expect in this region. 2
Best part of the city? The Mostar bridge. The design is unmistakeable. If you feel wobbly looking down over the bridge, just think how the divers who jump off its middle feel.
Interesting Fact: Mostar was almost completely destroyed during the Bosnian war. You can still see the damage - such as bullet holes on most buildings.
Is it a good travel destination for young adventures? Yes, it is affordable and locals are happy to share their stories with you. It is a city that will inspire you to persevere through the tough times. 2
Climate: It is not too close to the sea, resulting in a very cold winter and a very hot summer.
Would you live there forever? No. Unfortunately it is not a particularly fast growing city so employment opportunities would be limited.
Any funny experiences whilst you were there? We were invited to explore an old building that was pretty much destroyed during the war. Only its floors and stairs remained, leaving it to look like a car park lot. On the top floor you can still see the shells, as it was a sniper's hide-out. However there were too many odd homeless people there so we did not make it too far in!
Points: 6 out of 6
Rating out of ten: 10 Fascinating food, culture, history, people. And one of the most affordable destinations in Europe. travel and gap year/year out ranking criteria –
2 points for yes
0 points for no
Max points 6
1. Is the destination easy to navigate around? Yes or No
2. Hostels and Hotels (few, many, tons): 0.5, 1 and 2 points respectively
3. Is it a good travel destination for young adventures? Yes or No