Q: I am currently studying politics and media , could you just tell me about a career I could embark on when I finish my degree because I am feeling a bit confused.
A: The majors that you are reading towards are extremely broad! One can go into a number of different fields. The main objective would be for you to make sure you are comfortable in that area.

The first career that comes to mind is as a Political Journalist. By using your two majors as a single unit you would be able to merge the fields into a career that would allow you to actively be involved in the areas of politics and journalism. Being a Political Journalist allows you to go into print, radio or television media. You can develop your career as a reporter, a producer or even a researcher.
The behind the scenes of Government, International relations and the internal workings of local government are extremely complex, however having the ability to interpret and then report the information in basic terms is an incredible tool. So we promote that you use it to your best ability.
You can start by joining any media company and get involved in their news room department. Further keep informed with top News Companies and find out about the best overseas and local political journalists.
There is a huge scope for this field and seems that the direction that you are going in really fits the career. At the same time you can use your Majors individually (i.e. Specialise in Politics or Media individually) or go into a totally different field. Your qualification is just a platform to making yourself employable and it allows you to expand your thought processes, so you can enter the corporate arena or even start your own business. Companies do hire people who are not specialised and starting your own business takes a lot more than just a qualification. So you can become whatever you choose to be, the ball is really in your court!