Conversations with a Headhunter - a career starter pack with Annette Kinnear

Chapter 2
Headhunter and author Annette Kinnear on how to setup oneself in the job market and what it takes to handle career challenges in the a challenging economic climate…
Are there basic guidelines or a “starter pack” that individuals should put together before entering the job market – and if so what are they?
It is a good idea to always have a CV up to date because speed is of the essence in the recruiting process. Every good CV is accompanied by written references that verify the statements of achievement in the resume. Copies of qualifications (degree, diploma, trade certificate) are also important and should always be on hand. In German speaking countries it is always expected to submit an individually formulated letter in respect of the position sought. This should be brief and to point, but be meaningful in terms of giving a little insight into your personal professional style.

In today’s economic climate what are the challenges that most job seekers face?
The skills of a qualified and experienced professional are generally in demand. Where it often starts to fall apart, is the way in which a person presents him or herself. Negative comments about the application process, insufficient proof of achievements or practical barriers such as unrealistic expectations about salary or working conditions or work permit delays, hinder the process. A polished demeanor is imperative as people generally hire people they LIKE and with whom they do not expect any interpersonal conflicts in the team. Employers look for professional AND social competencies.   

Annette Kinnear
About: Annette Kinnear is the author of  “Your Career Your Life”, Penguin 2009 and works as an international career coach. Her latest book “Headhunting – Bitte husten Sie, falls Ihr Chef gerade mithört” was launched in Germany in April 2013 and offers many valuable tips for candidates and employers that work with recruiters. 16 real life stories provide entertaining and humorous insight into the secret world of a headhunter.  
Headhunting. Bitte husten Sie, falls Ihr Chef gerade mithört. ISBN: 978-3862652143, Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, 259 pages, 9.90 Euro.