Getting properly educated is a costly process. As a matter of fact being a student isn’t as financially stable as one would like it to be! Student financial options range from student loans, self or private funding, scholarships etc. However we at recently found a very interesting crowd-sourcing (crowd-funding in this case) -themed concept that could help finance your studies!
One of the networks which is promoting this as an option is Kiva or as it is also also known, a setup that basically networks funders and borrowers. It has become a popular site for business 'start-ups' and developing country projects. Kiva has progressed further by venturing into the student funding sector and therefore creating an interesting avenue for student funding.
Through the Kiva website students can post their profiles for micro-loans to help finance their studies. The system is clever but still needs to catch on on a larger scale as it could actually help alleviate the student debt crisis, if used in a solid manner. The good thing is that students can pay back the loan as opposed to just getting cash with a 'no repayment' system! What this means is that students would need to perform on their loan, this in turn proves that the system works which will provide confidence to potential lenders. Seems simple enough: one just needs to pitch your student financial needs and hopefully it inspires a lender to back your career progress.
You can check out the direct link to the education and higher education funding search section on Kiva here or visit their site directly and filter through the funding sections. It is an interesting way to finance your studies and seems a lot quicker. It is however just one step forward in the "maze-like" life as a student in today's modern economy!