2011 spiralled some awesome happenings both at FirstStep.me and around the world. We featured some cool articles, interviews and amazing adventures on the FirstStep.me website. The World Wide Web has changed and diversified so fast that it’s become an experience of sorts to keep up with it's pace however it has been an outstanding platform to be able to participate in. Here is our best of 2011 happenings….
2011 Biggest happenings on FirstStep.me!
Best Education feature: The all new FirstStep.me University Guide
Best Careers Feature: The FirstStep.me Company Guide
Most popular Careers article: Superhero Careers, featuring Thor the God of Thunder!
Favourite travel feature: Breaking Stereotypes a European Adventure of note, you can watch the online documentary on various channels, check www.breakingstereotypes.org for more details.
Best travel article: Roaming Newton reloaded!
Youth Business pick of the yeah: Interview with Mongezi Mtati from Word Start.
Out the Box feature: Superhero Careers in Mandarin and understanding the youth market on RateMyAd.net.
From around the world and the web!
What we dig: Study in New Zealand’s Learn More Stress Less.
Coolest Job website: Escape the City, http://escapethecity.org
What we can’t wait for in 2012:
The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.thedarkknightrises.com
All things South African:
PPS Rocking the most awesome Bursary and Scholarship Offerings!
Smart study option with The Facilitation Workshop!
In 2012 keep an eye on: Gary Thomas, previously featured on FirstStep.me, the solo artist is taking the music scene by storm.
What to expect in 2012:
The Breaking Stereotypes Adventure in New Zealand starring Daniel Alvarez Villa! The Fun Side of Being Serious 2.0 launching in January 2012 and still much more to come. Its FirstStep.me, covering information on careers, gap years, companies to work for, youth finance and higher education from all around the world, 2012 is going to be an action packed adventure!