Living away from home is not the easiest thing in the world and financial restrictions play a huge part in how one goes about living on a day to day basis!
Breaking down your budget into separate segments is probably the best way to maintain a basic financial plan.
Here is a quick example of a basic budget breakdown:
Rent (this includes utilities).
Entertainment and leisure
Petrol (if you have a car)
Transport (for those using public transport)
Day to day living expenses
Quick facts on how to make your cash last longer:
Make your lunch at home and take it to campus (spending money at the cafeteria on a day to day basis is a waste of cash, use the cafeteria as a last resort.)
Monthly shopping works out cheaper when buying in a group than individually (note you can only buy in a group if you are sharing accommodation). As seen in Jerry Seinfeld you can not share the food bill with your neighbour! Yes we all have our strange Kramer type neighbours).
Petrol a problem start a lift club!
Make sure you keep you your receipts and just be smart with your cash.