Q: Good day to you, please tell me how I would go about becoming a training and development officer/manager. I have studied HR and covered this module, I'm currently working as a recruitment consultant, how do I make this transition?
A: The training and development sector is booming, and broad enough to have many entry points. If you are in to full-time study, most of S.A.’s major universities offer some form of development studies (located within industrial psychology and education faculties, amongst others).
A more accessible option, if you are not able to study full-time, is to research the many unit-standard aligned courses in this area. You will find plenty of work as a trainer if you have completed a Skills Development Facilitators (SDF) course, assessor’s accreditation and moderator’s accreditation. (check out Edutel) as a possible service provider, but there are many)
Answered by Paul Thomas